Grounded In Gratitude at Eagles Watch
✨We love a good backstory, and Project #GroundedinGratitude at Eagles Watch in Hampstead sure does tug at the heart strings 🤍 ✨.
This project will consist of a kitchen renovation including new granite countertops and backsplash, refacing cabinets, new hardware and fixtures, farmhouse sink install, and custom floating shelves and wood hood. A new fence will be going in as well as new interior paint throughout the home 🏠. The project officially kicked off with demo on October 18th🔨.
The most exciting part about this project for us is the backstory behind the project name (which our wonderful client @mrs.lyndsay picked herself )-
Every year this family picks a few key words to focus on as a family and incorporate into their daily lives and prayers. One of them for 2023 was ‘gratitude’.
“We started this year, 2023, in our home town, loving our jobs, our home, our friends and family were nearby, there was nothing that was pushing us to change any of that!
By February, we started getting a nudge for a new house, so we started looking in the Charlotte area.
By March, the nudge was to live out our dream and seek the joy in our hearts, so we considered the beach as a real possibility.
By April, real conversations were happening and opportunities seemed to be available.
By May, doors in Charlotte were closing and doors in Hampstead/Pender were opening.
By June, we sold our house and took a leap of Faith to move here and see what God had in store.”
We can relate so much to your story @mrs.lyndsay and family, and we are so excited to help you guys fulfill your dream to live on the Carolina coast. And to tie things all together, it just so happens the goal project completion date is Thanksgiving (#grateful, #grattitude) AND this year it falls on 11/23, which also happens to be mom Lyndsay’s birthday + one of her son’s birthdays! This project is just full of surreal connections 🤯.
So, here we go… the clock is ticking… can we get this family of four boys plus mom and dad into their newly renovated home in time for thanksgiving 👀?! Stay tuned! . #cedargroveconstruction #generalcontractor #hampsteadnc #eagleswatch #kitchenrenovation #groundedingratitude